10€-os visszafizetés a Penny Roulettel!
2017 jún
Pörgess a William Hill Kaszinó új Penny Roulette játékán legalább 10€ értékben és ha veszítesz, visszakapod pénzed 48 órán belül.
Nincs vesztenivalód, pörgess csak bátran június 15-e és 21-e között.
Hogyam működik?
- Regisztrálj a William Hill Kaszinóba!
- Iratkozz fel, és írd be a "CASHBACK" promóciós kódot.
- Forgass meg minimum 10€-t a Penny Roulette játékon.
- A visszafizetést 48 órán belül írják jóvá.
Részvételi feltételek (angolul)
- The £10 risk free promotion (the "Promotion") will run between 00:00 15th June 2017 and 23:59 21th June 2017 (BST Time) (The "Promotion Period").
- In order to be eligible the bonus you must log in and enter the promotional code "CASHBACK" under "Bonus History" page.
- Players are required to wager at least £10 on the slot game "Penny Roulette" in order to qualify for this Promotion.
- Your refunded money ("Cashback") will be calculated as accumulated losses incurred less your winnings on casino (Online & Mobile).
- Players must have a minimum of £10 in accumulated losses in order to qualify for this promotion.
- A maximum of £10 will be awarded once during the Promotion Period.
- All payments will be made into your casino account within 48 hours following the qualifying play period of 48 hours.
- Players who have been informed of concessions removal from William Hill Casino Club won't qualify for this promotion.
- General Terms & Conditions Apply.
Írta: Kaszinó hírek
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